Our training in Utah was excellent, motivational and, in part, done by some highly successful businessmen.
We arrived in New Zealand at 5:30 a.m. after skipping Sunday by crossing the international date line. Welcome to the "melting pot". Our cabbie from India delivered us to an elaborate hotel where we have been treated like royalty just prior to our living in poverty, complements of the church self-reliance department. (The church receives bargain rates here since they are such good customers.) We have been trained by a Samoan, a Mauri, and a Kiwi, and are learning a lot more detail about Tonga specific self reliance and the perpetual education fund. The people here are wonderful and friendly.
We've had a chance to take a couple of walks on the beach while watching a swimming race in the ocean as well as watching several people in sea kayaks, and then we wandered through town and took a walk to a lake where we watched scuba divers, wind surfers and 8-10 black swans interacting with ducks.
Last night the area self-reliance manager took us to his home where his wife, Pamela Reid, had prepared a wonderful dinner for us. Pam is an author of over 20 books, most of which were published by Covenant, and she was a fun and fascinating person to talk with. Tomorrow some senior missionaries are taking us into downtown Aukland for dinner and sightseeing after we finish our training. Then we will leave in the wee hours of Thursday morning for TONGA!
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